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  1. Uhmm.. you know that Daemonic wasn't safe to use until earlier today right?? It was use at your own risk. You played and you lost.
  2. This is a good suggestion. One of my guildies asked "did you just really LoH me?" lmao
  3. That might be a good option, for my paly when you had a longer range I would just put at 2.5 secs and that seemed to be fine. On the druid since that wasn't an option until now I would turn off and dispel manually. It got the job done but the dispels were way lower than on the pally
  4. Thanks for updating the dispel portion of the bot G! But can you please make the slider for the delay go up to 3 seconds? For fights like council people need to run out with the dispel so they usually need 2-3 seconds for that on fights like Tindral they need to group up to all be dispeled at the same location since they drop a pupple once dispelled. Thanks!
  5. I notice that sometimes the bot tries to spam cast Divine Favor when it's on cd. Not sure if it's affecting the healing rotation by keeping it from casting other spells since it keeps spamming the Divine Favor key but just thougth I would point it out.
  6. This is a great easy to follow videos on the caster playstyle that allows hpal to pump while not going oom halfway through the fight. It can help with the cr logic for this playstyle. Thanks!
  7. I just came over from another CR provider and I was just about to suggest these same things. These were all available with that service and it was getting me 97%+ parses in both raid and m+. If these options can be implemented and the combat logic updated to use them properly the cr would be S tier.
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