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Dogster1125 last won the day on January 4

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Community Answers

  1. Logged in after you reset and worked, today its back to same error message, have done nothing since yesterdays redownload.
  2. Not sure if I am missing a step, i redownloaded the vip installer under announcements, now when i attempt to log into the game the red Abusive message comes up.
  3. I am still getting the message, i will re-download again.
  4. I receive Client Version is out of Date for my Checking license. I re-downloaded from discord the new loader, have new folder, then receive message when attempting to Run. Thank you any assistance.
  5. yeah i am trying to buy daemonic but i sent the wrong amount, so waiting on it to reset.
  6. I just find it very tedious to add to Coinbase and then add to a wallet here to then pay for it, so many steps, so eliminating the middle man would be more convenient for me, and if i don't have to use bitcoin at all would love it.
  7. Is there a link to a Daemonic website or discord where i can purchase it with out going through this site?
  8. Ok thank you, I had to redownload the client from Koexygen site, that is what I was not understanding, thank you its working now.
  9. Banno what does it mean Client Version is out of date? I have my daemonic Key when i add it thats when i get the message you do not have a license, I bought it from Koey, just making sure I am not missing a step?
  10. Why I will always recommend this rotations to friends, there are four of us now that use it, I can only tell you now that you are working on PVE and Keys/Raiding for specs people are excited. We appreciate your efforts.
  11. Hi there all, thought since I have now played every class available I could give a review from my stand point where the rotation sits compared to others I have used and overall performance from a PVE only point of view. Every class I play with is at least 475 IL and 4 sets, so I will be speaking to Mythic Plus and raiding. Warrior Mythic Plus Raid Fury 3/5 2/5 Feedback: For mythic plus AOE damage is ok but single target is where I feel the most lack of power, I have the same issue in Raid with single target. Currently raid I have below 60% for IL on every fight but first boss since its Cleave at 76%. Arms 2/5 2/5 Feedback: For mythic plus Fortified weeks are not bad, but the single target is terrible for Arms, Raiding I only used it for two clears and again Single target was very low, I am not of 40% for IL on any fight but first again cause of cleave at 62% Protection 4/5 4/5 Feedback: For mythic plus feels really strong for me, i control stances myself. Raiding I also felt no issues and the DPS was actually pretty good, had no issues clearing heroic. Overall 3/5 3/5 I will say I can only compare to PHX PVE rotations and the single target seems way higher with those, AOE is very close with KOE coming out ahead, only difference is there is total logic for interrupts and stuns built in with PHX. I know you can set KOE up to do that yourself, but I guess most that use rotations are lazy and like Trinkets, Stuns, INT built in. Paladin Mythic Plus Raid Now I main Pally all specs with out rotations and a rotation account so have a better feel for pally. Holy 4/5 4/5 Feedback: For mythic plus once you have settings put to your IL abilities I find it to be very fast, now lag, enjoy it very much, CONS, lay on hands and Blessing of Protection logic could be better and quicker. Raiding I feel the same fast and no lag and very good reaction time, again only issue is BP and LOH timing. I would have given 5/5 on both with that performing better. Protection 3/5 5/5 Feedback: Not sure what is going on with Protection but I do get slammed compared to other options in Mythic plus, the Damage is good, the interrupts are also good. For raiding works great, seem to handle everything well. Retribution 3/5 2/5 Feedback: Damage is AVG when i take off all other options like healing, also same issue as other pally specs with LOH and if you spec into it BP. Raiding I find the damage low, I sit between 45% and 60% on most fights and I am 483 BIS, the single target feels weak. Overall 3/5 3/5 This one was fun to test since I had many keys all 20+ and three different heroic raids. I find the no lag great, rotation runs really smooth, the Damage on all three specs is AVG. The damage I take while in Protection is surprising, it feels like Shield of the Righteous drops off or over laps to me. PHX has these rotations down smooth thou, I can do +22-24 keys with KOE with allot of manual control, PHX I have 25 and few 26 keys completed on time, and the Interrupts and Defensive Logic on its own makes it stronger. Ret has a way to go to compare as well, but Holy I have to say minus the logic built in I like using KOE rotation more. Warlock Mythic Plus Raid Affliction 2/5 3/5 Feedback: For mythic plus I did really well on high keys and fortified, the single target is a little low for me on bosses. Raid the single target feels super low, i know Affliction is not the go to in Raids, but there single target can blast, i was under 20% on every fight but the first boss, and that was 36%. to be fair thou I only tested this twice, I play Demo Lock on main account and Destruction and they both blast, Demo is great for Keys and Raid. Overall 2/5 3/5 I am sure this spec is great for PVP why I assume it was picked, but for PVE not worth it at this time in my opinion. Druid Mythic Plus Raid Balance 3/5 4/5 Feedback: Mythic plus you have to really time everything and I feel its pretty good on AOE when you do so, Raids I find single target pretty good, I have not had lower than 75% on parses for all bosses with a few 90%. Feral 3/5 2/5 Feedback: Mythic Plus I find AOE damage very good, single target feels bad and I have to shut off allot of healing spells because it comes out of form allot. Raiding I feel ST is just to low to use it for me, not over 50% on any fights. Guardian 5/5 5/5 Feedback: Mythic Plus I love the rotation, setting Ironfur to 10 stacks was the trick, I have tanked almost all 24's and currently over 3k on bear, Raid had no issue at all with raiding, excellent damage also, recommend this spec. Restoration 4/5 5/5 Feedback: Mythic Plus is also very good, great speed at healing, wish the Damage and weaving was a little better, but its not bad at all, Raiding once you tweak the settings, great information in Resto channel you will heal excellent. Overall 4/5 4/5 I really like the Druid, think its worth the buy just for these rotations, the Feral and Balance stuff just needs to have a little more PVE focus and they will be awesome as well. Totally Recommend Druid. Compared to PHX I think the only rotations do a little better is Balance and Feral, Restoration Druid has more DPS but the healing IMO is awesome with both. Priest Mythic Plus Raid Discipline 3/5 4/5 Feedback: I do like the rotation's speed and DPS, i just feel that I have to control so much because of lack of logic that I honestly just take over manually, but If you are new to the spec, You can heal 20 keys for almost every dungeon with default settings. Raiding I had allot more success but again you have to control all cooldowns, the barrier casts if left on default at really bad times, so I would control that for sure and Rapture, DISC I believe is a spec that needs tons of knowledge of the fights and logic built in to be great. Shadow 1/5 2/5 Feedback: This one hurts for me because it was the reason I found KOE rotations. I really feel that almost every build is lacking terrible in DPS, mythic plus is super hard because of the lack of TTD logic, reapplying spells when mobs are about to die is terrible, still casting Crash when mobs are almost dead so control that manually. I don't recommend it for pushing keys. Raiding was a little better because the ST fights, felt pretty good but again not all builds perform close to SIMS, my highest parse was 63% and I have 5 bosses below 30%. Overall 2/5 2/5 One thing that turns me off is the reasons people give in the Shadow Chat that this class is not good, sorry but PHX blasts on all builds, I stopped looking at shadow chat because its so wrong, you can do really well in both Keys/Raids with shadow, just can't waste casts which is what this rotation does. Really wish you had Holy but will have to wait. Rogue Mythic Plus Raid Outlaw 4/5 3/5 Feedback: play this spec also on non rotation account, Mythic plus feels really good, especially since the auto stealth all the time was added. Damage is very good, again you basically have to control the cooldowns and stuns logic yourself, but totally would recommend. Raid I got to test allot since this was the only rotation option here, Its not bad, its just off SIMS by allot, still respectable but good be much better damage wise in raids. Overall 4/5 3/5 Think this is pretty good, to bad there is no Assassination rotation for raiding, but I would for sure recommend this for PVE. As far as PHX comparisons the logic with there Outlaw and Damage is 5/5. that is the only difference, you are a interrupt god with damage. Hunter Mythic Plus Raid BM 4/5 4/5 Feedback: I think the rotation does very good in both Keys and Raid, I find that my parses in raid are 80-95% which I am happy with. Marksman 2/5 2/5 Feedback: I am not sure this is totally ready for either, I know the rotation is being worked on but I could not parse over 20% on any fight, Keys was not that good either, AOE was ok, but ST was not good at all. Survival NA NA Have not tested this spec yet. Shaman Mythic Plus Raid Resto 5/5 4/5 Feedback: I am very happy with the performance of Mythic plus, I have healed up to a 23 so far, I have to control the cooldowns but that is needed at that level keys, recommend for sure, Raiding i was totally surprised how fast the rotation was super happy with performance. Enhancement 4/5 3/5 Feedback: DPS is pretty good, with hybrid build i find controlling the cooldowns and Stuns super helpful, lack a little on ST but I recommend, Raid I did ok, my ST was around the 50-65% so that can use some tweaking. Elemental NA NA Not tested I would recommend Restoration Shaman rotation over PHX, just out performs in every way, Enhancement is also very good but PHX is 5/5 for me, because raiding is also very good on PHX. Recommend KOE for sure. Demonhunter Mythic Plus Raid Vengeance 5/5 5/5 Feedback: All I can say is AWESOME, I was completing keys at 460 IL 22-23, I am currently well over 3k and completing 3 25's. I cannot manually do better, love this rotation. Raiding same. just OP rotation, great Damage. Overall Amazing! Sign up you won't regret it. Monk Mythic Plus Raid Fistweaver 5/5 4/5 Feedback: Another excellent rotation, mythic plus I am on my seconds Monk gearing up, I heal 20's at item level 450 lol, just amazing Damage and healing, Recommend 5 Stars, Raiding is very good also, parsed 70-80%, little more and it will be 5/5 for me. Overall 5/5 would recommend it. Compared to PHX this rotation blows it away, like DH rotation I can't say enough love them both, just to bad no Brew or WindWalker rotation. Rotation Bot overall if you play any of these classes minus Priest IMO I would still recommend using, The healing seems to be really strong for me on almost every Class/Spec. PROS - Super fast and no impact on FPS, Super friendly support, Very nice community, if you love PVP you will really love the rotations, Quick updates when there are issues for better performance. CONS - Not Enough classes that are currently Meta, lack of Fire or Frost Mage, lack of Augmentation Evoker and Demo Lock, Last no HAVOC. Incomplete classes that don't have leveling options for new alts, no ticket system to help with particular issues. HOPES - Complete all the PVE rotations, get more developers to assist with all the classes and bugs for quicker class releases. Huge focus on Raiding and Mythic Plus logics. The rotation has come far even in three months, wish there was more help for G, but I believe there is an attempt to push more PVE options, looking forward to what is to come. Thank You.
  12. No you helped me transfer the funds and i renewed yesterday, its active on my account page.
  13. I have two accounts with this account active for both VIP and Deamon. Like last time once I extended it's throwing up the Abusive Detection and no icon. Please reset this account plz.
  14. 1. Like stated above, I have TWO koe accounts both paid for extra time. 2. Logging into this account which is my main shows the error message. 3. logging into second account shows the same message when I log in, so both accounts, both separate logins say the same thing. I have used MULTI accounts for over a month with no issues till I extended is why i am confused. If resetting would do the trick then lets do that.
  15. Wanted to check, I extended both my Koe accounts for the rotations, now I am getting the (Abusing detected) red message on both when i try and use Keo. Just to be clear pay for two koe rotations, only started happening after i extended another month on both. Thanks
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