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  1. Jman1212

    Hunter trap

    No, its the new talent for disc priests its called Ultimate Penitence. They fly up in the air and shoot a stronger version of penance.
  2. Jman1212

    Hunter trap

    Now with ultimate penance the rotation throws an ice trap although the priest is immune.
  3. It’s a casting slow by 10% doesn’t affect hunters or if it does you can’t tell. Weakness is much better since hunters care about crit. I’d rather have the hunter not crit then give them a 10% cast reduction when they don’t really cast and more so count on procs. also here’s a video for the jinx talent and aff https://youtu.be/fAvG0ntpDwU?si=kPh3fd1-CatpVEXQ
  4. Also uses curse of tongues on hunter instead of weakness.
  5. Just wanted to point out 36 of the top 50 players use it. I think saving 2 globals could be pretty big. Don’t have an argument besides that haha.
  6. Can we get new logic with the new jinx PvP talent. Where applying a curse also applies corruption and agony. Saves a lot of time
  7. Jman1212

    Bot alerts

    Including the alerts that pop up when you enter and leave an arena/pvp area like listed above?
  8. Jman1212

    Bot alerts

    Is it possible when we have alerts off those talent alerts are also off? Just another way to make it better to when im streaming on discord for friends.
  9. Just played a couple solo games and I think the current rotation used fear only once. Unsure on the priority or what but I feel like it should be casting more than that. Its a pretty good CC. Especially when 2 melee are on you to get some room.
  10. yeah, its not letting me vote as well. Just greyed out nothing to click.
  11. Jman1212

    Bot alerts

    Why when I have alerts off under utility it still alerts me when a learn/unlearn a talent. For example, after each round if I’m on hunter and call my pet it gives me an alert that I learned “growl” or something. Any chance when we don’t have alerts on those messages won’t show up?
  12. Just got this after new update.
  13. I’ve been using this World of Warcraft PvP helper, and I have to say, it’s been an incredible experience. G, is absolutely awesome and incredibly responsive. The best part is that all the classes are a blast to play with. Even though it’s still in beta, you wouldn’t think so because of how polished it is. I give it a solid 10/10 and would highly recommend it to any WoW player looking to up their PvP game!
  14. Jman1212


    I’ve been using this World of Warcraft PvP helper, and I have to say, it’s been an incredible experience. G, is absolutely awesome and incredibly responsive. The best part is that all the classes are a blast to play with. Even though it’s still in beta, you wouldn’t think so because of how polished it is. I give it a solid 10/10 and would highly recommend it to any WoW player looking to up their PvP game!
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