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Everything posted by Sendro

  1. Sendro

    Koexygen Priorities

    Hi, I'm writing on behalf of the entire PVP community, which hasn't had much to go on since awful became detectable. Can we ask for the creation of tools such as BGBot/Arena Bot? More automation = more users = more characters = more feedback and users. Gearing up a new character is very time consuming, giving us the ability to automate honor and conquest would make things a lot easier
  2. Today I promised to write a review, so it's time to keep my word. I only play PVP, so I can only evaluate this aspect of the rotation and share my overall experience with you. GUI: the prettiest I've come across so far, everything arranged logically, very easy to use. Performance: I've never used a bot so PC-friendly in my life, the FPS drop is virtually unnoticeable, whether you're playing arenas, epic BGs or moving around in the open world. Rotation: always up to date, uses the latest builds and spins amazing numbers, intelligent use of all abilities like stuns and interrupts, and most importantly rotation is not obvious. I'm still gearing my characters at the moment, but I'll be sure to edit this comment and post my rating soon. Support: In my wildest dreams, I never expected that any developer could be so kind and helpful. I really can't get over what a great person* G is. *I'm not sure if he's really human. The only thing I'm afraid of is that G is working on this project alone and I wonder if he will be able to maintain the quality once more classes are added Overall, I recommend it wholeheartedly. The quality is first class. Sending big hugs and kisses, thanks for this amazing project!
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