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Everything posted by Slicing

  1. Hey everyone, I've been trying out Koexygen for a bit, mostly as an Arms Warrior in PvP, and thought I'd share my thoughts with you. Starting Off: Right off the bat, Koexygen helped me climb to a 2.4k rating, which was pretty impressive. But, there's a catch. The bot’s reactions are super precise—like, unnaturally so. Instant charges, leaps, and interrupts every single time. It started to feel a bit too perfect, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that it might look suspicious to others. Hits and Misses: On the plus side, the bot does a decent job with basic rotations. But, it's a bit behind in terms of updates, and there's a noticeable lack of defensive strategies. It doesn’t really guide you through which targets to pick or when to use your defensive cooldowns, which can be a real downside, especially for newer players. And if you're hoping to switch things up with different classes, you might be disappointed. Currently, it doesn't support a couple of key ones like Demon Hunter and Evoker, and there's no saying when that might change. Overall: Koexygen has its moments and can definitely give you a boost, but it's not without its issues. The accuracy and timing of its actions can raise eyebrows, and with the lack of updates, there's always that looming risk of a ban. Plus, its support for different classes is pretty limited. If you're considering Koexygen, just be sure to weigh the good with the bad. It's got potential, but also quite a few areas that need work. Hopefully, we'll see some improvements and updates in the future. Slicing out for now, and hoping this helps!
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